Psalms 37:23-24 NIV

23 The Lord makes firm the stepsof the one who delights in him; 24 though he may stumble, he will not fall,for the Lord upholds him with his hand. When you first start your christian life, you are not already a ‘spiritual veteran’. Instead you start very naive and make a lot of errors. But God is looking at … Read more

Hard questions reading plan

I’m starting today a new plan on the youversion app (link for browser), Plan name is ‘Hard Questions’, Introduction Let’s talk about our relationship with God A common errors of believers is wanting to get a system in order to know God’s will, so they can avoid do the wrong thing.# But the truth is … Read more

Hello world!

Some years ago, in 2011, I have been saved by Jesus. In that time I was so happy and naive about it, that I thought that, if I only tell anyone about Jesus, I’d have been saved. Then I started with some posts on the social to my old life friends. It has been a … Read more