Hello world!

Some years ago, in 2011, I have been saved by Jesus. In that time I was so happy and naive about it, that I thought that, if I only tell anyone about Jesus, I’d have been saved.

Then I started with some posts on the social to my old life friends. It has been a very though experience. To hear people mocking of Jesus, and making sarcasm about God, was very painful to me.

So I made a pause, until today: in these last months, an inner crisis, made me think more about God and His word. So I was back to listen to sermons, and then from there I discovered authors and Youtube channels I want to share with you today.

If you are here because you have received one of my leaflets, you got the strategy God gave to me.

I still have to figure it out about the future of this blog. But the basic idea is to take inspiration from these sources and write all the interesting ideas that come to my mind about the gospel.

Also I’ll write down my personal bible studies, and I’ll give you the sources from the plans I follow too.


Life church: https://www.youtube.com/@life.church this is from where I started with listening at pastor Craig’s sermons. This is a very different way to see the word of God, that can help you in you worst moments.

Christian movies: https://www.youtube.com/@ChristianMovies in this channel you can watch lots of inspiring movies. Not all of them are the same quality, so you want to watch some minutes before deciding to pick each film up. I strongly recommend the ones with the ‘Granpa’ character.

Debunk TV: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLCooE0PxnbwbCBm7PzmqPqeCBCnqvViIw this is a playlist in the Christian movies. This talk show will change the way you see the world. Modern science, and philosophy, wants us to kick God out of the reality. But they are doing to simply inventing fancy stories, and making schools teach them, and making the atheism the official religion of the world. With this tool you start learning how to defend you as christian and win others from atheism.

Creation Ministries International: https://www.youtube.com/@creationministriesintl the channel is founded by the Creation Ministries that is divulging since the 70’s. Like the debunk TV, Its scientists apologists, explain and keep you updated about the real science, that is taking its confirmation in the Bible. The Eden, Noa’s flood, Tower of Babel, and more other facts in the Bible, have really happened. Skeptics are always trying to demolish the word of God by explaining the reality with their stories, but Creation Ministries will show you that they are unacceptable, by using the scientific method.

Cold Case Christianity: https://www.youtube.com/@ColdCaseChristianity A detective of the homicide squad, was an atheist. One day he heard a sermon about how Jesus was a good teacher. He decided to read the gospel in order to get these teachings. But when he started reading, he realized that gospels are eyewitness testimony about the life of Jesus. As this was his work, he started diving in and ended, by using the abductive reasoning, that what gospels are saying is the most reasonable explanation. So he believed in Jesus, and converted. Today he is teaching us how to worship God with your mind, and have a critical thinking, make questions about your faith, and find the answers in the word of God.

Switch up your brain: link to audible Negativity is the greatest problem for many christians. The enemy is always trying to put in our minds, negative thoughts. Thoughts we do, shape our brain in a very material way, by making connections between neurons, and creating paths. If we often do positive thinking these paths wll bring health to our mind and to our body, instead negative thoughts can cause damage, depression, and be passed to our childrens. I strongly recommend this book by dr.Caroline Leaf. I tested by myself in times of depression, and I can say that this thing works!

21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership: Follow Them and People Will Follow You get the book John Maxwell is a master of the leadership topic. This book takes principles taught by Jesus and turn them into a business book. If you improve yourself, love yourself and your people, serve them, success will come for you. This is not an easy process, and you’ll take years to grow. But, listen to me, it worths it!

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