Hard questions reading plan

I’m starting today a new plan on the youversion app (link for browser), Plan name is ‘Hard Questions’,


Let’s talk about our relationship with God

A common errors of believers is wanting to get a system in order to know God’s will, so they can avoid do the wrong thing.#

But the truth is that, this system doesn’t exists. In fact God is a person and not a system.

So He wants us to take our choices alone, not to drive us like robots.

So we have to use the free will He gave us, in order to make decisions, and check the results and learn from errors, in the best way possible.

The most important thing God wants us to do, is to have a true relationship with Him


God is faithful, by whom ye were called unto the fellowship of his Son Jesus Christ our Lord.

1 Corinthians 1:9 KJV

Friendship, fellowship, relationship, this is what God wants from us, and this is the reason I think He made us. Like individuals bearing His image, we are made to have a relationship with Him. For this reason Jesus has died on the cross and risen. Most of people see God as a ‘dangerous’ entity, that is ready to punish us at every error we make. This is not true. God knows we are imperfect, and, due to the fall into sin since the beginning of the times, we are doomed to sin. There is no way not to sin. As God is omniscient, He knows everything inside us. For this reason only Jesus, that is God himself, could come on the earth and pay the price in order to have a relationship with mankind again.