The Strange Case Series. Season 2. Ep.27

Scene 27: Back Inside.

We are in the elevator.

Igor is loading their luggage into the elevator. The four are almost ready to go down. Banani takes the opportunity to talk about the book he found.

Banani: Look! I didn’t realize the book has an appendix. It talks about the intelligent design of the universe.

Papaia: What evolutionists call: apparent intelligent design. For them, a real puzzle…

Banani: Think about DNA. How did we, all this time, believe that such a complex code could be the result of a random and blind process?

Ravioli: Probably, we were the blind ones… Here we go, ready to go down… I pressed the zero button.

Banani: They could have at least written “reception” on it.

Igor: Probably, after using the label for the main sign, they didn’t have any more available.

The elevator door closes, but the elevator doesn’t move.

Papaia: Hey, Ravioli. Did you press it correctly?

Ravioli: Yes! Look, I pressed it but nothing’s happening!

Banani: Did you press the wrong button, like the one for the first floor, for example?

Ravioli: Come and press it yourself to see!

Papaia: Maybe they didn’t fix it properly. Better press the button to open the doors and use the stairs.

Banani: There are no other buttons besides the floor numbers.

Ravioli (panicking): Oh no! We’re stuck in the elevator… we’re going to die in here!

Papaia: Don’t panic, when they see the elevator isn’t moving, they’ll call technical support.

We are at the reception.

Meanwhile, the porter sees the out-of-service sign fallen on the floor, stops to pick it up, and puts it back in place.

Porter: This sign saves the hotel a lot of money. Just think of how much electricity is saved when all the guests use the stairs! Ha, ha! But now it’s coffee break time. The porter leaves and goes to the bar for a couple of hours.

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