
Saved podcast on Spotify

Ep. 21: The evangelists wrote the gospels!

Ep. 20: The apostles did not lie.

Ep. 19: Sceptics, Gospels, and the telephone game.

Ep. 18: The gospels have been accurately transmitted

Ep. 17: The gospels are early witnesses

Ep. 16: The sepulchre is not a myth

Ep. 15: A Reconstruction of Jesus’ Resurrection

Ep. 14: The Big Bang Is Illogical

Ep. 13: An Impossible Accident

Ep. 12: Is Believing In God Crazy?

Ep. 11: The Ontological Argument

Ep. 10: Jesus’ Nativity Timeline

Ep. 9: Is Logic True?

Ep. 8: The Moral Argument

Ep. 7: The Uncaused Cause

Ep. 6: We Are Chosen By God

Ep. 5: The Intelligent Designer

Ep. 4: The Word Of God Is Alive

Ep. 3: Who Is God?

Ep. 2: Natural Selection Is Not Evolution

Ep. 1: Does God Exist?