Big Bang is illogical

Many, convinced by textbooks, agree that the universe came from something like a great explosion commonly called the Big Bang.
Did I say something? Sorry, actually it’s nothing.
Scient-atheists (that’s how we’ll call them) are convinced that galaxies are moving away from each other. For this, they argue that, in the past, the whole universe was compressed into a point with infinite density. This is called singularity. But here their explanation ends, because the singularity would have appeared out of nothing.
Is it really possible for something to come out of nothing and for no reason? Find out here at the savedblog…

An impossible accident

Where does life come from?…
Why do plants, animals and even us exist?…
Today you will meet my friend Charlie…
(not Charlie Brown… And he’s not even brown)….
Charlie is a biologist who believes in evolution…
(but not in Santa)….
Charlie’s idea is that life is a kind of… nature accident.
We will deal with a soup and… Frankenstein, if I remember correctly… Or Frankenstein having a soup… Is evolution true, or at least possible? …
Did Frankestein have soup for dinner?…
Today we will find out by doing a simulation with calculating probabilities… Come and find out who will laugh last.

DNA code works in 4D

This post has some technical characteristics. For this reason, before starting, we want to understand what DNA is and how it works, in a generic way. Let’s take a simple cell as an example. At the center of the cell, we find the nucleus.The nucleus contains Chromatids. They are threads that are usually tangled, when … Read more

How rock layers actually form

It’s May 8, 1980. At 8:32 a.m. an earthquake of magnitude 5.1 is happening at Mount Saint Hellens, Washington USA. This mount is a volcano and the earthquake generates an eruption. The top of the mountain at 400 meters is blasted. A mix of debris (gas, mud, and snow) generates an avalanche. The hole that … Read more