The Strange Case Of The “Out Of His Mind” Carpenter

The Event.

According to the New Testament and tradition, Jesus claimed to be the Son of God. He predicted that he would be killed and that he would rise again after three days. According to these sources, Jesus conquered death and rose, appearing in full health before more than 500 eyewitnesses.

Impact on History.

Immediately after his death, the Christian movement, based on his resurrection, spread throughout the ancient world, forever dividing history in two.

For the series: The Disastrous Misadventures of the Disasterd Trolleys Gang.
Episode 1: Special Offers.

At the "NASAL" Space Observatory the famous scientists: Prof. Papaia, Dr. Banani, Eng. Ravioli, and their assistant Igor, are working as usual.
Between one measurement and another, Ravioli says: “Guys, something curious happened to me: I was at the used book stand, and I saw a book on sale.”
Banani: “The book was used, and also on sale?”
Ravioli: “Let's just say the previous owner was overly fond of coffee… Anyway, the book is titled: ‘Five Minimal Facts about the Resurrection of Christ.’”
Papaia: “I didn’t know you were interested in that kind of topic.”
Ravioli: “Actually, I bought it by mistake. I misread the title. I was thinking it was a cookbook.”
Banani: “What did you read?”
Ravioli: “Five Minty Tarts from the Restaurants of Cyprus.”
Banani: “But that’s completely different! How did you make such a mistake?”
Ravioli: “Well! It was lunchtime. As they say: I was so hungry I couldn't see straight!”
Papaia: “Yes, but in the end, did you read it?”
Ravioli: “I just started. I find these superstitions that some people still believe in the 21st century quite amusing!”
Papaia: “No one can deny that Jesus was the most important figure in all of history.”
Banani: “That's true! We can’t underestimate his impact on history.”
Igor thinks: “When Ravioli is hungry, it's best to keep him away from the chemistry lab, otherwise, thinking he’s in the kitchen, he might create an… explosive recipe!”

Is There Evidence?

Today, two millennia later, skeptics claim that Jesus’ Resurrection is a legend created by the church. However, we will see that there is evidence that Jesus of Nazareth, after being scourged, crucified, and pierced by a spear, rose from the dead.

Criticisms of the Gospels.

Skeptics attack the credibility of the Gospels, claiming they are full of contradictions. Although it is possible to show otherwise, on this long and difficult path, it is easy to get lost in discussions that lead nowhere.

For the series: The Disastrous Misadventures of the Disasterd Trolleys Gang.
Episode 2: The Discovery.

The scientists are working with the utmost concentration. Suddenly, Papaia slaps his forehead loudly. The others jump up, scared and wide-eyed.
Banani: “What happened, Papaia?”
Papaia: “Oh, no! How could I forget the dark matter conference? It’s tomorrow!”
Ravioli: “Papaia! That conference is crucial, we can’t miss it!”
Banani: “If we don’t go, we’ll fall behind the others!”
Papaia: “Wait! Let me check my agenda! Yes, it’s as I thought. Do you want the good news or the bad news first?”
Ravioli: “What’s the good news?”
Papaia: “We have the tickets!”
Banani sighs in relief: “And the bad news?”
Papaia: “The flight is in two hours!”
The scientists rush to pack their bags. As they quickly gather their personal belongings, the discussion about the book continues.
Banani: “So, in this book you’re reading, the author claims there’s real evidence that Jesus rose from the dead?”
Ravioli: “It seems so! I kept reading because the author treats the New Testament as a series of historical texts, not as religious dogma.”
Papaia: “From what I’ve heard, everyone says the Bible is full of errors, but I’ve never actually read it myself.”
The three continue to fill their suitcases with unnecessary and superfluous items.
Igor comments: “Gentlemen, don’t you think it’s a bit excessive to bring all these things? Isn’t just a notepad enough to take notes?” 
But since they are focused on packing, none of them responds.
Igor thinks to himself: “Maybe the conference will help shed light on the confusion in their minds. In fact, more than brilliant, their minds seem to contain… dark matter!”

There Is Another Way.

Instead, scholars like Gary Habermas have shown us that there is a quicker and more effective way to highlight the evidence, avoiding the debate over the inerrancy of the Scriptures.

Conservative and Liberal Scholars

As with political currents, there are two opposing currents regarding the study of the New Testament. Conservative scholars, as Christians, believe in the inerrancy of the Bible, while liberal scholars, as skeptics, read the Scriptures with a naturalistic worldview, dismissing any supernatural events a priori.

For the series: The Disastrous Misadventures of the Disasterd Trolleys Gang.
Episode 3: Out of Order.

Papaia is on the phone with the taxi dispatch. The others, having finished gathering their tools, are trying to close their overstuffed suitcases as quickly as possible.
Banani: "Regarding the criticisms of the Gospels, I once saw a TV program where experts pointed out errors in the Gospels. According to them, they were written much later by anonymous authors."
Ravioli: "It's actually the studies of those experts that the author uses as material."
Banani has forced the suitcase zippers too much.
Banani: "Damn! All the zippers broke!"
Papaia: "Hurry! Let's go downstairs, the taxi is arriving!" 
They run outside to wait.
Banani: "The elevator is out of order!"
Papaia: "Quick! Let's take the stairs!"
As they rush down the stairs, they trip over their suitcases, which burst open, spilling all their contents onto the staircase. The scientists tumble down the stairs, overwhelmed by the avalanche of clothes mixed with their tools.
Igor, watching them struggle to get back on their feet, comments: "It looks like today  science has taken quite a tumble!"

The Critics’ Approach.

In presenting the case for the resurrection, we will use only the material accepted by most liberal scholars, such as certain epistles of Paul that are considered undisputed. We must keep in mind that a fact is not true just because scholars believe it to be true; rather, scholars believe a fact is true because there is a substantial amount of evidence supporting it.

Minimal Facts.

Despite the differing opinions of scholars, there are facts on which virtually everyone agrees. As we mentioned, this agreement is not due to their personal opinions but because there is objective evidence to support them. We refer to a minimal fact when we talk about one of these facts. A minimal fact is thus a historical fact, supported by abundant evidence, and accepted by the majority of scholars, including skeptics.

For the series: The Disastrous Misadventures of the Disasterd Trolleys Gang.
Episode 4: Waiting for the Taxi. 

Finally, the group is ready with their luggage in front of the lab, waiting for the taxi.
The wait is longer than expected.
Papaia: “Did you take everything?”
The other two nod distractedly and continue their conversation about the book.
Banani: “So, in the words of the same liberal scholars, the author finds evidence of the resurrection? How is that possible if liberals, like us, don't believe in the resurrection?”
Ravioli: “It's not about wordplay, but about certain facts that these scholars consider true. The author calls them: minimal facts.”
Banani: “So it’s based on their opinion?”
Ravioli: “According to the author, scholars base their conclusions on concrete evidence to determine if a fact is true or not.”
Papaia: “From what I know, the resurrection is just a legend, invented by the church to take money from the simpletons who believe in it!”
Igor snickers, thinking: “After all the foolish things I’ve seen these doctors do, the definition of ‘simpleton’ becomes a very… relative concept!”

The Argument.

We can therefore list at least five minimal facts whose best explanation is the resurrection of Jesus. We cannot explain all five of these facts simultaneously in any other way.


Today, skeptics abandon naturalistic explanations. But they still continue disbelieving the resurrection because, as a supernatural event, it is incompatible with their naturalistic worldview. The most common strategy used by skeptics is to divert attention to the apparent contradictions in the New Testament or to accuse the church of believing in superstitions, thus avoiding confrontation with the five points.

For the series: The Disastrous Misadventures of the Disasterd Trolleys Gang.
Episode 5: A Heavy Tip! 

The taxi is arriving.
Papaia: “Start loading up, we don’t have time to lose!”
Taxi Driver: “Oh, no! Are you crazy? Where are we supposed to put all that luggage?”
Banani: “I told you, Ravioli, not to bring the portable particle accelerator!”
Ravioli: “Listen to who’s talking! The one who brought the radio telescope!”
Papaia: “Stop it immediately! Mr. Taxi Driver, if you could look the other way, we can pay you a hefty tip…”
Taxi Driver: “Fine! But you must hurry up!”
After filling the trunk, the four squeeze inside the cabin, completely buried by their luggage.
Taxi Driver: “So? Are you ready to go?”
Ravioli: “Wait! I forgot my passport upstairs in the office!”
Banani: “What? Now we’ll have to take everything out again!”
Taxi Driver: “I’m already regretting accepting your offer!”
Papaia: “Yes! But we paid the tip in advance!”
Ravioli manages to get out of the taxi, spilling the contents of several suitcases onto the sidewalk once again.
The wait drags on.
Banani: “Look, Ravioli left his book here!”
Papaia opens the book.
Papaia: “Ugh! What a terrible smell of moldy coffee!”
Banani: “Read here, this chapter talks about the argument of the five minimal facts.”
Papaia: “According to the author, they can only be explained by the resurrection.”
Banani: “I doubt that’s true! I think if you think about it a bit, you can find another explanation!”
Papaia: “I agree! It must be a trick to sell books!”
Igor thinks: “The real trick was deciding to travel with all these useless suitcases!”


If we start from the assumption that the supernatural does not exist, we will never be able to see the truth, even with clear evidence right before our eyes.

Seeking the Truth.

Anyone who is sincerely seeking the truth must take an additional step and open their mind to all that is truly possible. Only in this way, by following the evidence, will they be able to find it.

For the series: The Disastrous Misadventures of the Disasterd Trolleys Gang.
Episode 7: Lost and Found.

Finally, Ravioli shows up at the car window, all sweaty and with a worried expression.
Ravioli: “I turned the whole observatory upside down! The passport isn’t there!”
Banani: “I think you put it in one of your suitcases.”
Ravioli pulls all the suitcases out of the taxi’s trunk and starts searching frantically, dumping their contents onto the sidewalk.
The taxi driver, disgusted, takes advantage of the distraction and drives away.
But Banani’s suspenders are caught in the door. Banani starts running, being dragged by the taxi and yelling for help.
Finally, Banani’s suspenders snap, leaving him on the ground a hundred meters away.
Exhausted, they sit on the steps. Papaia checks his cell phone app.
Banani: “What do you think about the second fact? Why would the disciples lie?”
Ravioli: “Maybe they never said Jesus resurrected. It must be an invention of the church.”
Banani: “That’s true! It must be that!”
Ravioli resumes searching for the passport in the suitcases.
Ravioli: “This was the last suitcase, and it’s not here either!”
Banani: “Now what? What do we do?”
Ravioli exclaims: “Hey! I found the passport!”
Papaia: “Thank goodness! Where was it?”
Ravioli: “I had it in my pocket! What a fool I am!”
Banani: “You’re not just a fool, you’re an idiot! You made us miss the taxi!”
Papaia: “Calm down! Arguing won’t help! We need to find another solution.”
Igor thinks: “Sometimes the truth is like Ravioli’s passport, we can’t see it even when it’s right under our nose!”

The Five Facts.

As previously mentioned, the following facts occurred between 30 and 36 AD and are accepted by most scholars, including skeptics.

  • 1) Jesus died by crucifixion.
  • 2) His disciples believed he had risen from the dead.
  • 3) The divinity, death, and resurrection of Jesus were preached immediately after his death.
  • 4) James, the brother of Jesus, who was previously skeptical, converted.
  • 5) Paul, a persecutor of the church, converted, claiming to have encountered the risen Jesus on the road to Damascus.
For the series: The Disastrous Misadventures of the Disasterd Trolleys Gang.
Episode 7: Ready? Go!

Papaia’s face finally lights up.
Papaia, showing his phone: “Look! This bus goes straight to the airport!”
Banani: “The stop is nearby, let’s run!”
After a few trips, they manage to get all the suitcases to the bus stop.
The bus has arrived, but Ravioli is still picking up clothes and tools scattered all over the sidewalk.
Driver: “Hey! Stop making a mess, the bus must leave!”
Papaia convinces the driver to wait.
Finally, they load everything. But as they’re finishing up, the driver speeds off, causing them to fall with their luggage.
Finally settled inside, they wait to arrive at the airport.
Banani: “I’m curious to know what these five important facts are...”
Ravioli: “They’re listed here in the index... go ahead, read them...”
Banani: “Reading them like this, it sounds like one of those sermons they give in church...”
Ravioli: “The difference is that we also have confirmation from non-Christian sources of the same events.”
Igor: “Life is funny sometimes. While these three scatterbrains stumble over their own luggage, critics of the New Testament stumble over their own... cultural baggage!”

Fact 1: The Crucifixion.

The death of Jesus is commonly dated between 30 and 36 AD. Within a hundred years, we find at least 15 sources confirming the event.

Apart from the four gospels, we find the following non-Christian sources:

  • In 73, Mara Bar-Serapion, a Syrian philosopher, mentions it in a letter to his son.
  • Around 93, Josephus, a Jewish historian, mentions it in his book Antiquities of the Jews, chapter 3, verse 3.
  • In 116, Tacitus, a Roman historian, mentions it in the Annals, passage 15.44.
  • Around 150, the Talmud, a collection of Jewish texts, refers to it in the book Sanhedrin, 43a.
  • Around 250, Lucian of Samosata, a Greek satirical writer, mentions it in his story The Death of Peregrinus.

Today, the death of Jesus on the cross is a historical certainty.

For the series: The Disastrous Misadventures of the Disasterd Trolleys Gang.
Episode 8: Finally in Line.

They finally arrive at the airport.
Driver: “Get off my bus!”
The scientists hurriedly unload their luggage, which of course, bursts open on the road.
Papaia: “Hurry up! We still have time!”
Banani: “Here’s our line for check-in!”
Finally in line, they breathe a sigh of relief.
Banani: "You said there are five facts, what's the first one?"
Ravioli: “Let me take a look... the first one is that Jesus died by crucifixion.”
Banani: "Come on! Jesus probably didn't even exist!"
Ravioli: "I thought so too, but look here: there's a list of ancient authors, even non-Christians, who confirm it!"
Banani: "I've heard of this Josephus somewhere before..."
Papaia: "He was a famous historian, contemporary of Jesus. It's obvious that Jesus existed, but that doesn’t prove he resurrected!"
Igor thinks: “after all the fools these three made me do, it's me who wishes I had never existed!”

Fact 2: The Disciples Believed Jesus Rose from the Dead.

We can demonstrate that the disciples claimed Jesus had risen from the dead and were willing to die for their testimony.

The “Undisputed” Epistles.

Some of Paul’s epistles are considered authentic even by skeptics. These include: Galatians, Romans, 1 Corinthians, 2 Corinthians, Philemon, Philippians, and 1 Thessalonians. In these letters, Paul states that the disciples claimed Jesus had risen (1 Corinthians 15:9-11, Galatians 2:1-10).

For the series: The Disastrous Misadventures of the Disasterd Trolleys Gang.
Episode 9: Counting Trolleys

It's Papaia's turn to check in.
Assistant: "Passports and tickets, please..."
Papaia hands the documents to the assistant.
Assistant: "How many bags do you have?"
Papaia: "Um… we haven't counted them yet..."
They count the bags.
Papaia: "There should be twenty."
Assistant: "I'm sorry, but I can't check in twenty bags for four people!"
Papaia: "We can pay the excess!"
Assistant: "Let me see your ticket; let's see what I can do..."
Papaia: "Here you go..."
The assistant starts typing on the computer.
Banani to Ravioli: "Are you still reading that book? What's the second fact?"
Ravioli: "I was just reading it! The second fact is that Jesus' disciples were convinced that he had risen from the dead."
Banani: "Couldn't they have been a bit out of their minds from his death? After all, they had spent a lot of time together."
Ravioli: "Maybe, but what matters is that they believed it was true. They preached it publicly and were willing to die for it."
Banani: "And how do the experts deduce this?"
Ravioli: "It says here that Paul himself was a witness."
Banani: "But Paul's letters are part of the New Testament, which is full of errors!"
Ravioli: "Yet, almost all scholars agree that many of Paul's letters are authentic. It seems Paul personally knew Jesus' disciples."
Banani: "If that's true, we would have an eyewitness account regarding the disciples' claims about Jesus."
Ravioli: "That's what the scholars think..."
Igor: "One day, I'll write a book as an eyewitness. Indeed, in the history of aviation, there's never been a trip as bungled as this one!"

The Creed in 1 Corinthians 15.

In 1 Corinthians 15:3-9, Paul reports what most scholars consider a creed translated from Aramaic to Greek.

What is a Creed?

Creeds were set phrases with specific characteristics, used in oral tradition. Their symmetrical structure allowed the largely illiterate audience to easily memorize the contents.

For the series: The Disastrous Misadventures of the Disasterd Trolleys Gang.
Episode 10: The Click of Regrets.

Assistant: "Excuse me, but what you gave me is just a reservation!"
Papaia: "Oops! You're right! I forgot to pay at the end!"
Assistant: "I'm sorry, but you'll have to go to the ticket counter first."
Suddenly, a thud grabs everyone's attention. Their suitcases have opened again, this time on the conveyor belt.
Assistant: "Oh no! Look at this mess!"
Banani jumps onto the belt to fix the situation. 
Assistant: "Hey you! Come back! Get out of there! That's a restricted area!"
Banani: "Wait! Just a moment! I've gathered everything, I just need to close this suitcase!"
The assistant calls security. Banani is stopped and almost arrested. Their luggage is back with them, completely open and spilled on the floor. Other travelers watch them curiously.
Ravioli: "This book is becoming more and more interesting. Really, what's written in it makes sense!"
Banani: "I was thinking about that creed you mentioned. Could it have been created by Paul or added later? How do we know it's authentic?"
Ravioli: "The book delves into technical details, but it seems that almost all scholars, even skeptics, are convinced it's an authentic creed."
Banani: "If the resurrection is a legend, how do you explain this fact?"
Igor thinks: "I don't know if the resurrection is a legend. What I do know for sure is that in this airport, these scientists and their luggage are becoming... an urban legend!"


Most scholars believe that the creed in 1 Corinthians 15 can be dated from two to five years after the death of Jesus. Paul converted within no more than two years of the crucifixion. One possibility is that he received this creed in Damascus. Another is that he received it three years later during his visit to Peter and James in Jerusalem.

Oral tradition affirms it

The creed lists various groups of eyewitnesses who claimed to have seen the risen Jesus. The apostles are included in the list.

For the series: The Disastrous Misadventures of the Disasterd Trolleys Gang.
Episode 11: Indigestible Chocolate.

It's too late now. They missed the plane.
Ravioli to Papaia: "I'm starving. Lend me the card to buy that chocolate from the vending machine!"
Papaia: "Here it is. But be careful, don't use it directly on the machine. Withdraw cash instead. You never know, they could clone the card!"
Ravioli: "Ugh! ATMs are all far away. Everyone's using cards. And I also know the company that makes the distributor!"
Papaia: "All vending machines are suspicious and unreliable! Look over there! There's an ATM right at the end!"
Ravioli: "Alright... as you wish!"
Papaia hands the card to Ravioli, who follows his instructions and withdraws cash first at the ATM.
Ravioli: "Strange! It seems the card is having trouble fitting into the slot!"
The ATM suddenly shuts down.
Ravioli: "Weird! The display just turned off!"
Ravioli spots another ATM a few meters away.
Ravioli: "There's another one! Thank goodness! I'll use that!"
After a few minutes, Ravioli returns to the others with his chocolate bar.
Papaia is focused on the flight app.
Papaia: "There! I think I found a flight for us! Ravioli, pass me the card!"
Ravioli, in his chocolate-induced trance, hands the wrapper to Papaia.
Papaia: "What are you doing?"
Ravioli: "Oops! My bad!"
Papaia snatches the credit card from Ravioli's hand with a swift pull and starts entering the numbers on the phone.
Banani: "So both Paul and the creed tell us that the disciples were convinced they had seen and spoken with Jesus."
Ravioli: "Do you know what that means?"
Banani: "Honestly, it still sounds to me like: Bible..."
Ravioli: "The creed circulated among ordinary people, it's oral tradition."
Banani: "Basically what people were saying back then!"
Ravioli: "Exactly! Back then, two years after Jesus' death!"
Banani: "Wow! So that's not just a legend!"
Igor thinks: "These scientists are right to worry about what people were saying in the first century. But now they should worry more about what people are saying today when they see these overturned and open suitcases!"

The written tradition asserts it.

Despite the criticisms of skeptics, the four Gospels, as historical texts, contain multiple attestations from the disciples. These testimonies were written a few decades after Jesus’ death. The church fathers Clement of Rome and Polycarp confirm this by writing in 95 and 110.

Sudden transformation of the disciples.

The transformation of the disciples is also documented. The disciples were transformed by what they believed to be their encounter with the risen Jesus. From a position of fear leading them to abandon Jesus, deny him, and hide, the disciples move to a position of courage where they publicly proclaim Jesus’ resurrection despite the dangers involved. This transformation is documented not only by Luke in Acts but also by various ancient authors such as: Clement of Rome, a contemporary of the apostles, who reported the martyrdom of Peter and Paul. Ignatius, Polycarp, Dionysius of Corinth, Tertullian, Origen. Who unanimously confirmed that the disciples suffered for the gospel.

For the series: The Disastrous Misadventures of the Disasterd Trolleys Gang.
Episode 12: An Unforgettable Dinner.

Papaia tries to buy tickets with the card, but it doesn't go through.
Papaia: "What's happening? The app says the card has been blocked! How is that possible?"
Ravioli: "Oops! They cloned your card!"
Ravioli tells the whole story of the suspicious ATM.
Papaia: "Are you telling me my card got cloned over a stupid chocolate?!"
Ravioli: "But you were the one who told me to withdraw!"
Banani: "Guys, sorry to interrupt, but it looks like we're stuck here!"
Papaia calls the bank's customer service.
Papaia: "As I suspected! The helpline only reopens tomorrow morning."
Ravioli: "The good news is I have some cash left, we can have dinner with the products from the vending machine!"
Papaia: "Please! Hold me back before I do something I'll regret."
Papaia lunges at Ravioli but trips over a small trolley, hitting his head on the ground. Ravioli hides behind Banani. Papaia gets up and goes outside the airport to calm down.
Banani: "The second fact seems more important and complicated."
Ravioli: "Excluding the Gospels, we don't have direct testimony from the disciples. That's why the author presents indirect testimonies."
Igor, to himself, comments: "Just like Papaia, critics could have saved themselves a lot of trouble by trusting more... in the direct source!"

Disciples willing to die.

From these testimonies, we can draw some fundamental points: the disciples were willing to suffer and die for their testimony about the risen Jesus. This does not prove that what they said was true, but only that they were not lying and were fully convinced of what they said: that Jesus had risen and appeared to them.

Fact 3: The resurrection preached immediately after the cross.

As we have seen in 1 Corinthians 15:3-10, which scholars consider to be a creed about the resurrection dated before Paul’s conversion. There are also other creeds traceable in the New Testament, such as Romans 10:9, which scholars believe were passed on to Paul through oral tradition. These creeds, along with the apostles’ preaching in Acts, were based on the same core elements: the divinity, death, and resurrection of Jesus. The idea of legend is thus refuted by this point. The resurrection is not the result of the evolution of a legend invented by the church over 150 years (dating from the oldest manuscripts), but the message that the church was teaching immediately after the death of Jesus, before the Gospels were written.

For the series: The Disastrous Misadventures of the Disasterd Trolleys Gang.
Episode 13: Mysteries and Caffeine.

It's now midnight at the airport. Banani has improvised beds with numerous suitcases. Ravioli is using his last coins to buy chocolate from the vending machine.
Papaia: "I took a look at Ravioli's book. It seems that according to the author, Paul is the main witness."
Banani: "I've read something too. It seems that Paul, in his own words, was a persecutor of Christians. But after encountering what he himself calls the risen Jesus, he converts."
Papaia: "Maybe he was lying?"
Banani: "Why would he have done that?"
Papaia: "True! He gained nothing from it, but instead was persecuted because of his testimony."
Banani: "That means he wasn't lying about his experience."
Papaia: "What can explain what Paul saw?"
Banani: "An hallucination?"
Papaia: "We have to consider that Paul was an enemy of Jesus. I don't think there's an hallucination so convincing that it could transform his life like this."
Banani: "Maybe he was just remorseful for what he had done, and was looking for a way to redeem himself..."
Papaia: "Yes, but we also have the appearances to other groups of witnesses."
Banani: "This remains a mystery."
Igor: "The real mystery here is how we'll manage to get back home!"

Fact 4: James’ conversion.

In Mark 3, we read that Jesus’ relatives thought he was “out of his mind.” In Mark 6, his relatives were scandalized because of him. In John 7, it is confirmed that his brothers did not believe in him. The creed of 1 Corinthians 15 reports Jesus appearing to James. In Galatians 1 and Acts 15, we find James as the leader of the church in Jerusalem. His suffering and martyrdom are reported by Josephus, Hegesippus, Clement of Alexandria. So, James initially thought Jesus had mental problems. But then, Jesus dies on the cross, and appears resurrected in the upper room, in front of everyone present. After this event, James is profoundly transformed. He understands that what Jesus says is true. And he spends the rest of his life preaching the resurrection.

Fact 5: The conversion of Paul.

In 1 Corinthians 15:9, Paul describes himself as a former persecutor of the church. In Galatians 1:13-16, he adds that he excelled in Judaism. In Philemon 3:6-7, he speaks of his transformation. This is recounted in Acts in chapters 7, 22, 26. In these chapters, we learn the whole story of Paul. In Galatians 1:22-23, there is an oral tradition among the churches of Judea regarding Paul’s conversion. In 2 Corinthians and Philippians 1, Paul talks about his suffering for the gospel. In Acts, Luke details many of the persecutions he endured because of his preaching. The church fathers Clement of Rome, Polycarp, Tertullian, Dionysius of Corinth, Origen, confirm that Paul was persecuted and suffered for the gospel.

For the series: The Disastrous Misadventures of the Disasterd Trolleys Gang.
Episode 14: The Tip of the Iceberg.

Igor is loudly snoring, deeply asleep. The three scientists are perplexed about the mystery surrounding the alleged resurrection of Jesus.
Ravioli: "Another fact is the conversion of his brother."
Banani: "You mean Jesus' brother didn't believe him?"
Ravioli: "Not only did he not believe him, but he actually thought he was 'out of his mind!'"
Papaia: "If he didn't believe in him when he was alive, why would he start believing after he was dead?"
Ravioli: "That's the interesting question! Sources tell us that James became the leader of the church in Jerusalem, until he was killed because of his faith!"
Banani: "So the explanation would be that he also saw his resurrected brother..."
Papaia: "He must have seen the same thing the disciples saw in the upper room!"
Ravioli: "Whatever it was, they thought it was Jesus."
Papaia: "Come on, guys! We're in the 21st century. We can't believe in such superstition. We're scientists!"
Banani: "Yes! But then one of these five facts must be false!"
Ravioli: "The issue here is that there is evidence, it's not a matter of opinion."
Papaia: "That's true! As scientists, we have to follow the evidence. And in this case, it leads to the resurrection."
Banani: "According to natural laws, resurrection from the dead after three days is impossible. Moreover, considering that Jesus appeared perfectly healthy and healed from his wounds."
Ravioli: "Exactly! Those guys died believing their leader had risen from the dead. If he had appeared in bad condition, they would never have believed him."
Papaia: "You know? I've always had doubts about evolutionism. Believing in life emerging from nothing, aren't we in any case believing in a miracle?"
Banani: "Actually, evolution is so improbable that it effectively remains a miracle."
Ravioli: "We've always rejected the existence of a Creator, but if there truly is one capable of creating everything, then a resurrection for Him becomes child's play."
Papaia: "My doubt has always been this: If everything, including the universe, has a beginning, it must also have a cause."
Banani: "The singularity is the cause of the universe!"
Ravioli: "Yes, but where does the singularity come from? Is it eternal, perhaps?"
Papaia: "No! Of course not! Remember the principles of thermodynamics. If the universe were eternal, we would have heat death!"
Banani: "Exactly! Every point in the universe would be at the same density and temperature."
Ravioli: "Life would not exist, and neither would we."
Papaia: "What do you think about the cyclic universe?"
Banani: "That hypothesis has been dismissed by the data."
Ravioli: "Finally, we must admit that the complexity of DNA and the information within it points to a design by an intelligent Mind."
Papaia: "Perhaps all this situation at the airport happened for a good reason."
Banani: "If natural laws do not fully explain reality, and the evidence points us towards a supernatural explanation, we can no longer exclude it a priori."
Ravioli: "I don't know about you, but I want to get to the bottom of this story!"
Papaia: "True science is always ready to reconsider everything. Our duty is to seek the truth, not to maintain the status quo."
Banani: "That's right! Haven't we always accused the church of doing the same thing?"
Igor, with half-closed eyes, chuckles in his half-asleep state, thinking: "Surely, in the future, reflecting on the disasters of this journey, these three scientists will have a lot to reconsider!"

The resurrection explains all five facts.

The crucifixion is reported by numerous ancient sources because Jesus truly existed and was killed in this way. The disciples believed they saw and interacted with the risen Jesus because this actually happened. The resurrection is preached immediately after the crucifixion because the disciples began proclaiming the resurrection from the day of Pentecost, as reported in Acts, supported by 500 eyewitnesses. This gives rise to the creed that Paul cites in 1 Corinthians 15. The risen Jesus also appears to his brother James, who, as a skeptic, converts and becomes the leader of the church in Jerusalem, ultimately dying for his testimony. Paul, a Pharisee and fierce persecutor of the church, encounters the risen Jesus on the road to Damascus, immediately converts, and after three years meets Peter and James, exchanging their testimonies. After years of persecution for preaching the gospel, he is killed by order of Emperor Nero.


In light of these evidences, we can no longer consider the case of the resurrection as a legend. We must at least consider that the resurrection could be a reality. Let us conclude this post with the words of Paul in the letter to the Romans:

…For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God…(Rom.3:23)

…As it is written:

“There is no one righteous, not even one;
    there is no one who understands;
    there is no one who seeks God.
All have turned away,
    they have together become worthless;
there is no one who does good,
    not even one.”
“Their throats are open graves;
    their tongues practice deceit.”
“The poison of vipers is on their lips.”
    “Their mouths are full of cursing and bitterness.”
“Their feet are swift to shed blood;
    ruin and misery mark their ways,
and the way of peace they do not know.”
    “There is no fear of God before their eyes.” …(Rom 3:10-18)

…For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord… (Rom 6:23)

…But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us…(Rom 5:8)

…If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved…(Rom 10:9)

…for, “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.” …(Rom 10:13)

…Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ…(Rom 5:1)

…Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus…(Rom 8:1)

…For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord… (Rom 8:38-39)

For the series: The Disastrous Misadventures of the Disasterd Trolleys Gang.
Episode 15: Airport Holidays.

The night has passed, and it's already 8 AM. Papaia finally calls the bank customer service and unlocks the card. As they rush to the ticket office, a flyer falls out of Papaia's pocket.
Banani: "Careful! Something fell out from your pocket!"
Papaia: "Let me see. Ah! It's nothing, just a flyer for the conference."
Banani: "Excuse me... what month is it?"
Papaia: "I didn't think you were so distracted not to know it's June!"
Banani: "It says here: Dark Matter Conference on July 23rd!"
Papaia: "Really? Let me see!"
Papaia reads the flyer again.
Papaia: "Oops! It's next month!"
Ravioli: "You mean we've been through all this trouble for a conference that's not until next month?"
Igor: "At this point, the real scientific discovery is how you managed to complicate your lives so much without even... leaving the airport!"

And so concludes this story as well. Thank you for your attention and see you in the next post!


Josephus on Jesus
Tacitus on Jesus
Mara bar Serapion on Jesus
Jesus in the Talmud


Gary Habermas: The Case For The Resurrection Of Jesus
Lee Strobel: Case For Christ
J.W.Wallace: Cold Case Christianity