Ecclesiastes 5: 4

When you make a vow to God, do not delay to fulfill it. He has no pleasure in fools; fulfill your vow.

Ecclesiastes 5: 4

Be careful about vow. God is not asking to make any of that. So if you feel to do it, think it well, beacuse there is no coming back. God won’t like if you don’t comply.

Devotional (Hard Questions: day 3)

You are asking God the next step, but you have still not completed the current one, so why should God give you the next one? Go pray, read the Bible, and do the basics, then you’ll get the next step.

I agree with this, but I only don’t agree that the verse Ecclesiastes 5:4 is saying that.

Of course we can find a better verse of the Bible that is saying that. For example

10 “Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much

Luke 16:10 NIV

A vow is a promise to God. This is different from asking God some step. It’s you taking the first step and making a promise to God. When you do that, for any reason, you must be sure you can keep that promise.

In Ecclesiastes 5:1-7, Solomon is instructing us, to how to approach God.

All of us have a long list of desires and dreams, but the first thing we have to do when we approach God, is listen.

Listen instead of making the sacrifice of fools, making a vow we cannot keep.

We have to listen with humility, instead of speaking about something we don’t know well as God does.

Many time we think we are doing the right think, instead we are doing the evil, without knowing it. This is called the sacrifice of the fool. The fool does the evil because of his ignorance, he does it because he is not listening to God.

In the Old Testament, there are episodes in which God rejected sacrifices. Like in the case of Cain, or Saul. God is looking in our hearts, so He knows if we are doing something to worship Him, or just for our convenience. We can’t bribe God. God knows your heart, so you have to listen, listen what God really wants you to know.