The Strange Case Series. Season 2. Ep. 11

Scene 11. The Road of Disillusionments.

We are outside the airport.

Papaia and company are waiting for a taxi at the stop.

Ravioli: The taxis are all gone; we’ll have to wait for one to come by the stop.

Banani continues reading the book with interest.

Banani: Did you know that the universe has a beginning?

Papaia: Obviously! We study the Big Bang theory every day!

Banani: I mean, even if we didn’t have the Big Bang theory, we could still deduce that the universe has a beginning.

Ravioli: Obviously, the laws of thermodynamics are enough to assert that!

The taxi arrives; the four of them get in and head to the hotel.

We are inside the taxi.

Papaia: Guys! This hotel app I downloaded is fantastic! The price of that luxury hotel turned out to be surprisingly low!

Ravioli: Well done, Papaia! We thought poorly of you, but despite everything, you’re still a whiz at online bookings!

Banani: I can’t wait to sink into one of those super-comfortable beds!

The astronomers see the hotel in the distance.

Papaia: Super Comfort Deluxe Springfield Australia Hotel! It’s that one!

The driver passes by the hotel without stopping.

Papaia: Hey, driver! Turn back! You missed our hotel!

Driver: No, sir! The address you gave me is further ahead!

Ravioli: You must have given him the wrong address!

Papaia checks the app.

Papaia: No! It’s true! The address we gave is correct!

We are in front of a warehouse. The store is closed.

The taxi stops in front of a carpentry shop, unloads the luggage, and leaves.

Banani: Wait, driver! Don’t leave us here in the middle of nowhere!

Driver: Sorry, but I have to run! I have another fare booked!

Banani: Please! Take us with you!

Ravioli: Watch out for the suspenders, Banani! Remember what happened last time you tried to run after a taxi!

Igor: Damn! I should have said that idea about the resume out loud!

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