The Strange Case Series. Season 2. Ep. 10

Scene 10: Chocolate Catastrophe.

We’re at the airport.

Our heroes are searching for a hotel near Springfield, Australia airport. While waiting, Banani is reading the book he found on the plane.

Banani: This book seems very interesting. Have you ever wondered what the cause of the universe is?

Papaia: Two months ago, I would have answered: I don’t know. Today, I cannot rule out a supernatural cause, such as a Creator.

Ravioli: Don’t distract Papaia! We need to find a place to stay for tonight!

Papaia goes back to checking the app on his phone.

Ravioli: I’m going to the bathroom for a moment.

Banani: Didn’t you just go ten minutes ago?

Ravioli walks away, embarrassed. Time passes, and Ravioli takes longer than usual to return.

Banani: Where is Ravioli? Could he have gotten lost at the airport?

Papaia: Here we go! I found a nice five-star hotel for us! After all, we deserve it; now I just need to click here…

Ravioli arrives running.

Ravioli: Guys! Incredible! They’re giving out free samples of a new chocolate brand!

Ravioli, walking quickly and blinded by excitement, bumps into Papaia just as Papaia is completing the booking.

Papaia: Ugh, Ravioli! Can you please watch where you’re going? Look, you almost made me click the wrong thing!

Ravioli: Oops! Sorry!

Banani: Ravioli and chocolate make a dangerous combination!

Igor: Papaia really believes that tonight he’ll be sleeping in a five-star hotel… With our luck, we’d better print out a resume; at best, they’ll hire us as cleaning staff!

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