The Strange Case Series. Season 2. Ep. 13

Scene 13. The Intercom.

We are in front of the warehouse.

Banani: Hey! There’s a label on the intercom! It says: Sunflowerr Hotel!

Ravioli: You mean: Sunflower…

Papaia: No! It’s Sunflowerr, with two Rs! It’s on the app! Thanks to Ravioli, I ended up booking this hotel instead of the other one!

Banani: This hotel is so bad it even has a spelling mistake in its name!

Igor: The owner was probably drunk when he decided to open it! Speaking of drunkenness, it’s wise to keep Ravioli away from chocolate from now on!

Papaia is about to use the intercom.

Banani: Are we really sure we want to stay here? We can still walk back to the five-star hotel! Maybe they have a room for us…

Ravioli: I’ve never seen a hotel with its name written with a pen on an intercom label and taped to it…

Banani: The owner could be a homicidal maniac… Have you ever seen the movie Psycho?

Igor: According to the laws of thermodynamics, all energy dissipated as heat can no longer perform work. Today, observing these three, I’ve come to a shocking realization. Their clumsiness is itself a form of entropy, a growing and unstoppable chaos… with their unpredictable disasters, even Norman Bates might end up slipping on one of Ravioli’s chocolates and stabbing himself!

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