The Strange Case Series. Season 2. Ep.23

Scene 23: Everyone to Papaia’s.

We are in Ravioli’s room.

Both Banani’s and Ravioli’s rooms are uninhabitable.

Ravioli: Look at the mess you made in my room! Now it’s frozen and full of dust. How am I supposed to sleep in here?

Banani: Ugh! My room has also become uninhabitable. I was hoping that at least we could turn on the air conditioning in yours.

Ravioli: And you decided to use me as a guinea pig for your experiments?!

Banani: I thought you were hot too!

Ravioli: Well! If you had at least knocked before entering with your key, I would have told you I was sleeping comfortably!

Banani: How were you going to tell me if you were asleep?

Ravioli: Never mind! I have an idea: let’s all go to Papaia’s room…

Banani: What a great idea! Papaia will surely be happy to share his room with us. Maybe the air conditioning works well there…

Ravioli: Oh no! This time you’ll have to keep your curiosity to yourself, Banani!

We are in Papaia’s room.

Meanwhile, Papaia is sleeping deeply, dreaming of being Captain Kirk. The two of them, having entered the room, call out to him, but Papaia, deeply asleep, does not wake up. Ravioli decides to brush his teeth before going to bed.

Ravioli: Oh no! I left my toothpaste in my room. I’ll use Papaia’s.

Ravioli uses Papaia’s toothpaste.

Ravioli: Look, Banani, Papaia’s toothpaste is finished, but I think if I squeeze it well, I can get one last dose.

Banani: Maybe it would be better to leave it for Papaia…

Ravioli: I’m sure Papaia has a new tube in his suitcase. You know what, I’ll use it!

Banani (searching through Papaia’s suitcase): I don’t think so, Ravioli. I just opened it to look for a pair of socks. Apparently, Papaia is a minimalist; the ones I borrowed were also the only pair he had…

Ravioli: I don’t think Papaia will mind if I eat these delicious cookies hidden in his laptop case…

Banani: Hey, Ravioli! Think about it… You just brushed your teeth!

Ravioli: That’s true! But the damage is done! I’ll have to use his mouthwash; there’s only one last drop left… Don’t you find it strange that someone travels with a small bottle of mouthwash in the secret pocket of their coat?

Banani: I find it strange that Papaia brought a coat in this season.

Ravioli: How’s that book you’re reading?

Banani: Actually, it’s not mine. It belongs to someone who lost it! Anyway, I’m getting towards the end where we understand that the cause of the universe is immaterial, timeless, personal, and without another cause. Basically, it’s what we commonly refer to as: God.

Ravioli: So, does God really exist?

Banani: If this reasoning is correct, the answer is yes!

Ravioli: What do you think, Banani? Do you think we’ll still be sleeping in this hotel tomorrow?

Banani: This isn’t a hotel… it’s a dump!

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