The Strange Case Series. Season 2. Ep.22

Scene 22: The Air Conditioner.

We are in Banani’s room.

The colleagues bid farewell to Banani, and each returns to their room.

Ravioli: After all those stairs I climbed tonight, I might as well cancel my annual gym membership.

Igor: Maybe a couple of chocolate bars could help you regain your energy…

Ravioli: Great idea, Igor! I have a couple in my room, in my suitcase.

Igor: Actually, that was a sarcastic remark…

Banani, meanwhile, has gone back to bed. Thirsty and exhausted from the intense heat, he can’t close his eyes. Thinking and rethinking about the book, he starts reading it again.

Banani: So, besides being immaterial, timeless, immensely powerful, and personal, the cause itself does not need a cause to start existing. This is correct since the cause, being timeless, does not have a beginning in time and does not begin to exist, but rather exists as the starting point of everything else.

Banani scratches his head.

Banani: This is a bit hard to digest, but it makes perfect sense!

The heat is now unbearable. Banani continues to stare at the turned-off air conditioner attached to the wall.

Banani: Ah! If only I could figure out how to turn on that air conditioner…

We are in Ravioli’s room.

Meanwhile, Ravioli has finally fallen asleep. But his well-deserved rest is interrupted by a sudden noise. It’s Banani, bursting into the room, completely frozen and covered in black soot.

Ravioli: Oh, Banani! Are you trying to give me a heart attack?

Banani is speaking in an exaggeratedly loud voice.

Banani: I finally figured out how to turn on the air conditioner! Look… I’ll show you…

Ravioli: No, stop!

Banani turns on the air conditioner, which bursts into an explosion of black soot.

Ravioli: Turn off that thing! I’m freezing!

Banani: Well! I forgot a small detail… Once it’s on, there’s no way to turn it off!

Ravioli: Well, look at that, Banani… I had just managed to fall asleep! Now, thanks to your brilliant idea, I’ll spend the night coughing and freezing!

We are in Igor’s room.

Igor, meditating in his room, is unaware of what’s happening.

Igor: From my experience, the environment is too quiet; they are surely… about to blow up the hotel!

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