The Strange Case Series. Season 2. Ep. 5

Scene 5: How Strange!

We’re on the airplane.

After a long flight, the four scientists are about to arrive at their destination.

Banani: It feels so strange when everything goes well!

Ravioli: True, I have a weird feeling, nothing unexpected has happened so far!

Papaia: Colleagues, relax, in a few hours we’ll be taking notes at the conference.

Ravioli suddenly exclaims: My notebook! I forgot it!

Banani: Have you checked your pocket?

Ravioli: Oops! It was right here! What a scare!

Igor: How strange, I had a déjà vu!

No one understands the joke.

Banani: This book I found doesn’t seem to be about law; it looks more like a philosophy book.

Ravioli: Don’t you think we’re taking a bit too long to arrive?

Papaia: It must be because you’re bored. Why don’t you take a nap?

Ravioli: Good idea! I’m actually a bit sleep-deprived.

Banani yawns.

Banani: This trip is going so well, it’s becoming boring.

The three fall into a deep sleep, losing track of time.

Igor: In a world with random gravity, we wouldn’t know if this plane would stay in the air or not. Essentially, we couldn’t determine its vertical direction. In the world of Papaia’s travels, however, we can’t predict the horizontal direction of a plane. In fact, in reality, no one can say where the plane is going!

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