The Strange Case Series. Season 2. Ep. 6

Scene 6: The Arrival.

We’re on the airplane.

The plane has landed. The captain announces over the speaker: Welcome to Springfield, Australia!

Papaia: Wait a minute…

Papaia pulls the conference flyer out of his pocket.

Banani: Hey, Papaia! Look here! It says Springfield, Illinois.

Ravioli: Oh no! I can’t believe it, Papaia has made a mistake again!

Papaia: How is that possible? I studied the flyer for hours and hours!

Banani: How did you confuse Illinois with Australia? That’s a colossal mistake!

Ravioli: I can’t believe it, we were half an hour away from the conference. And now we’re on the other side of the world!

Igor: Imagine a world where things pop up out of nowhere, without reason, and unpredictably. Are you sure this world doesn’t exist? Perhaps you’ve never traveled with Papaia! But, come to think of it, all in all, it could have been worse. With the mistakes of this illustrious astronomer, we could have ended up in orbit in space!

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