The Strange Case Series. Season 2. Ep. 3

Scene 3. Ready for the Gate.

We are at the airport, at the check-in counter.

The assistant meticulously checks the passports, then starts typing. His fingers hit the keyboard like bullets from a machine gun. Time seems to have stopped. Papaia has turned purple and is about to faint. Banani has grown a long white beard. Only Ravioli’s skeleton remains. Then, finally, the assistant looks up and smiles…

Assistant: Perfect, you are ready for the flight to Springfield. Everything is in order, you can proceed.

Papaia, balancing on one leg, loses his balance for a moment. Banani, unable to control himself for a moment, lets out a slightly too high-pitched scream. Ravioli is involuntarily breakdancing. Then the three compose themselves, pretending nothing happened, and look around awkwardly.

Papaia (pretending confidence): See? Everything is under control.

Igor: According to the principle of cause and effect, I can assert that something, as usual, will go wrong. You see, just as a light bulb doesn’t light up if it’s not connected to an electrical circuit, a trip organized by Papaia cannot proceed without problems. Have you ever seen a body fall upward? Of course not! So get ready, because once again, we’re all falling… into Papaia’s hands.

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