The Strange Case Series. Season 2. Ep.30

Scene 30: Attempted Escape.

We are in the elevator.

The four scientists are sitting on the floor, exhausted and frustrated.

Banani: In the universe, then, we observe intelligent design, the work of an intelligent mind, and this mind is that of God. This argument in the book is called: teleological or intelligent design.

Ravioli: Thanks for the philosophy lesson, Banani, but now I’d like to get out of here…

Banani, with a determined look, stands up and heads towards the elevator door.

Banani: I have a plan! It might seem complicated, but we need to try.

Papaia: Whatever it is, we need to get out of here!

Banani: Position yourselves in front of the door!

Ravioli: Let’s go!

Banani: So, the plan is based on quantum relativity theory applied to elevator locking systems. Our idea is to alter the electromagnetic field of the door with a modulation of precise frequencies, using quantum field superposition to deactivate the locking mechanisms.

Igor: Yes, but practically… What should we do?

Banani: Push!!!

The four scientists begin to push with all their strength. While the three are straining and sweating, Banani is focused on the complicated plan he has explained.

Banani: I don’t see any changes. This plan seems to be failing!

Papaia: Maybe you should push too.

Banani: Brilliant, Papaia! How did I not think of that?

Banani starts pushing with the others, but the result does not change. After many attempts, they lose their strength and give up.

Igor: I also remember something from physics lessons. And I can confirm that according to quantum string theory in the electrostatic vacuum… we’re doomed!

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