Existence of God

Many say there is no evidence to say that God exists.

Have you ever read a book?

And a book written by ‘nothing’?

Certainly not, each book was written by one or more authors. There is no book without a person who wrote it.

To be more precise, the book was written for a reason. The reason is to convey a message. The message is transmitted from the writer to the reader. The message is conveyed through the content of the book. The content is composed of a series of letters. The letters are arranged to form words. Words form sentences and so on. In short, the book contains information.

Whenever we find information, it is proof that an intelligent mind created and organized it. This is called information science.

This also applies to life. In fact, life cannot exist without the information contained in DNA.This means that the information in the DNA cannot have been generated spontaneously. An intelligent mind created and organized it.

Think of the DNA of the simplest form of life. There is more information in this than in an encyclopedia. Since the content of a book is not generated spontaneously, so too this DNA was designed and created by an intelligent mind.

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.

Genesis 1:1

If we look at the creation, we can say that it has had a beginning. By the laws of thermodynamics, creation cannot always have existed. So something created the creation. Therefore the creation could not have been created by ‘nothing’.

Because nothing is nothing, from nothing, nothing comes… true?

The Creator must therefore be above time, space and matter.

Who is the best candidate for that?

Where does the idea of good and evil come from? Where does morality come from? And right and wrong?

Where does logic come from? How do we reason in a debate? Where does mathematics come from?

And the beauty? What about our conscience? Who set the celestial bodies in motion? Where does love come from?

For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.

Romans 1:20