Hard questions day 10

I wait for the Lord, my whole being waits, and in his word I put my hope.

Psalms 130:5

This verse also exhorts us to wait for the LORD. If we read the entire psalm, we realize that this too speaks of salvation. In the first part, the psalmist cries out to God. The depths referred to are obviously spiritual. The psalmist asks that the LORD receive his prayer. In fact we don’t deserve to be heard, because of our innumerable faults.

But God’s mercy is so great that, in addition to receiving our prayers, we can also receive forgiveness for these faults.

This psalm was written before Jesus was born as a human being. Yet it shows us God’s plan for our salvation. If God counted our sins one by one, there would be no hope for anyone. Instead the verses of the psalm speak of forgiveness and hope. But also of fear and reverence for the LORD.

the LORD asks us to wait, persevering in his word. Put your hope and faith in Him, without deviating from His word.The fact that we have to wait is a test, for which our faith is tested. The reward and redemption, the forgiveness of our sins and eternal life.

I find it very interesting that this psalm summarizes what is explained later in the New Testament. In fact, the conditions for salvation are: believing in Jesus, having faith in him, and following his teachings which are the word of God. In order for us to always be wise and vigilant, we must also know the fear of God and his laws. These make us aware of sin and of what we have already written in our conscience.


When we pray, we must have expectation. God does not receive prayers made without faith. In all the miracles Jesus performed, the key elements are prayer and faith in what is being prayed for. In fact, Jesus tells us that faith can make even a mountain move. Every person healed by Jesus was healed because of their own faith, or that of someone who asked for God’s intervention. Many times prayers are not answered right away. Instead God asks us to wait and not lose hope. This is an act of faith.