Hard questions plan day 11

Therefore do not let sin reign in your mortal body so that you obey its evil desires. Do not offer any part of yourself to sin as an instrument of wickedness, but rather offer yourselves to God as those who have been brought from death to life; and offer every part of yourself to him as an instrument of righteousness.

Romans 6:12-13

Obviously man has two natures. The first is that of the physical body. The second is the spiritual one. There is a reality such as consciousness, mind and concepts, which transcends physical reality. But the Bible tells us, that these two natures are often in conflict. As physical beings, we feel the need to satisfy the body’s demands as soon as possible. For example, if we are hungry, we want to eat immediately, so as not to be hungry again. These needs are always directed towards us and our needs. Our spiritual part however, obeys the absolute moral law that comes from God. Sin often arises from this conflict.

The most important part of our body is the brain. The mind rules the brain, and the brain, the rest of the body. Our actions are determined by our thoughts. Our thoughts come from our identity. The mind forms our identity through thoughts. For this, by controlling thoughts, we control the rest of the body, directly and indirectly.

When we believe in Jesus, He opens our spiritual eyes to us. We are now able to see things from God’s point of view and not from that of men. This process does not involve our whole being, every part of our body.


Jesus must be first in our lives. If not, if something else is in first place, we have problems. What we put first in our life controls us. In fact, our effort will always be in the direction of this thing. Let’s take the example that the first thing in your life is to increase your Ego. Everything you do will go in that direction, you will seek men’s approval, you will increase your pride, it will be difficult for you to learn something from your mistakes. This leads to the failure of your goal, and the consequent frustration.

If, on the other hand, Jesus takes first place in your life, you will do everything to obey him. You will follow his teachings, you will be humble, and the word of God will be fulfilled in your life.This is the true victory that leads to eternal life.

What is controlling you today? Jesus or something else? Be humble and honest, and give Jesus first place in your life.