The Strange Case Series. Season 2. Ep.33

Scene 33. Selfishness and Consequences.

We are in the main hall of the conference center.

It’s almost time to sit in the main hall, where the guest of honor, Professor Bart Bluejeans, is about to open the annual dark matter conference.

Banani: I can’t get that book out of my head!

Ravioli: You don’t have any book in your head; you can relax!

Banani: Tell me something, Ravioli: Are you here, or are you just messing with me?

Papaia: Were you thinking about the book?

Banani: It’s incredible how a simple line of reasoning can open our eyes and reveal such an important answer!

Papaia: Guys, the conference is starting! Let’s hurry and find our seats; the conference is about to begin!

Banani: I’ll be right there!

Ravioli: Hey, wait! Let me take one last bite of this delicious calzone!

Igor: Gentlemen, follow me; I’ve already found the seats with our names.

The four sit down excitedly and with great expectations.

Ravioli: How strange, my feet are wet.

Banani: Look on the floor, it’s all wet.

Papaia: Water is also dripping from the ceiling!

A voice begins to speak from the loudspeaker.

Loudspeaker: Ladies and gentlemen, please remain calm. Due to a serious plumbing issue, we are forced to close the building to the public. The conference is postponed to a later date. Please evacuate the building immediately. I repeat, calmly proceed to the emergency exits; remaining in the building is dangerous.

Banani: Oh no! They’ve canceled the conference!

Papaia: I can’t believe it! After all the effort we put in to get here! How is that possible?

Ravioli: Oops! I flooded the conference center!

Ravioli briefly explains the plumber story to Papaia.

Papaia: You mean the conference is postponed because of your stupid little accident?

Ravioli: See, I knew you’d be angry! I shouldn’t have told you!

Banani: Why didn’t you use the bathroom upstairs?

Ravioli: After the experience at the Sunflowerr Hotel, I can’t even climb half a step anymore.

Banani: But Ravioli! Didn’t you see the escalators?

Ravioli: Oops! That’s true … look over there. If I had paid more attention, none of this would have happened!

Igor: If Ravioli had managed to hold it until the first-floor bathroom, none of this would have happened. Nevertheless, if he had kept his mouth shut, no one would have ever known that the flooding was his fault. But since now his friends are furious with him, we can conclude that there are things Ravioli just can’t … hold back!

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