The Strange Case Series. Season 2. Ep.32

Scene 32: The Flooding.

We are inside a bus.

Papaia and the others, after a few days of disasters, are arriving at the conference.

Ravioli: You had a good idea this time, Papaia, to take the bus so we don’t risk making a mistake!

Papaia: If only that taxi driver at the airport hadn’t run off without giving us the change…

Banani: Guys! I was thinking about Papaia’s sermon yesterday…

Papaia: Hey! It wasn’t a sermon, it was a reflection.

Ravioli: Thinking about it, Papaia, you’d fit well in the pulpit!

Papaia: Oh, Ravioli! Stop teasing me! I’m a scientist, not a pastor!

Ravioli: Sorry, Reverend Papaia!

Banani: Stop interrupting me, Ravioli. I was saying that Paul’s words, which Papaia quoted, made me think. What if it’s true that we’re lying to ourselves?

Ravioli: Then it would just be a matter of opening our eyes…

Papaia: Speaking of opening our eyes… here we are at the Springfield Illinois conference center. This time we’re on time and at the right address.

We are at the entrance of the conference center.

They show their tickets and enter the building.

Banani: Isn’t it amazing? We made it, and we still have an hour to relax before the conference starts.

Ravioli: Look over there. There are the restrooms. Since there’s time, I’ll go there for a moment.

We are in front of the conference center restrooms.

As Ravioli heads to the facilities, he encounters a plumber at work.

Plumber: Excuse me, sir! The restrooms are out of order! There are others on the first floor…

Ravioli is speaking quietly.

Ravioli (whispering): Ugh! It’s so far.

Plumber: Sorry, can you repeat? I didn’t hear.

Ravioli: I said: please, it’s an emergency.

Plumber: Look, it won’t take long… I’ll finish in five minutes…

Ravioli: Please, I have incontinence…

Plumber: Fine, use the staff restroom, but… make sure… not to flush. It’s very important you remember this. I repeat, do not flush under any circumstances!

Ravioli: Ugh! It’s so unpleasant to leave the restroom dirty… But okay, deal!

Ravioli then uses the staff restroom. As he finishes, he thinks about the conference.

Ravioli: I still can’t believe it… We’ve arrived at the famous dark matter conference… This year’s keynote speaker will be Bart Bluejeans… He’ll talk about his famous quantum nothing theory.

Ravioli, still lost in his thoughts, finishes his business and, as usual, flushes the toilet. Immediately, strange noises of broken pipes are heard. Water begins to spout from several points on the restroom walls. Embarrassed, Ravioli exits the restrooms as quickly as possible without being noticed by the plumber, who is focused on tightening a pipe with a wrench.

Ravioli: Today I discovered that there are different types of plumbing emergencies in restrooms!

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