The Strange Case Series. Season 2. Ep.25

Scene 25: Out of the Frying Pan into the Fire.

We are in Papaia’s room.

Suddenly, a loud noise wakes them all up. It’s the porter shouting.

Porter: What are you still doing here! It’s six o’clock, you need to vacate the room!

The three of them startle in fright.

Papaia: Hey! What’s going on? 

Papaia sees Banani and Ravioli on the floor.

Papaia: And what are you doing here?

Porter: Are you deaf? I said you have to clear the room!

Papaia: But check-out isn’t for another six hours?

Porter: Does this look like a five-star hotel to you? Didn’t you read the sign? It’s six o’clock and you need to get out!

Ravioli: Hey, Papaia! It seems the porter is right; I found a note on the nightstand.

Banani: Let me see… What does it say? It’s handwritten… “VACATE THE ROOM BY SIX”

Papaia: Yes! But the grammatical errors?

Porter: Hey, kid! Don’t think you can fool me with these scientific terms! Do you see this baseball bat? If you don’t clear out immediately, you’ll find out what it tastes like too!

The four of them flee, while the porter throws Papaia’s suitcases down the stairs, along with all his personal belongings.

We are in space.

Suddenly, the four of them find themselves in deep space, near a large piece of equipment that looks like a telescope.

Banani: Look, Ravioli! That’s the Hubble Space Telescope! It was built to test the evolution of the universe! Yet when they looked, they saw perfectly formed galaxies!

Ravioli: Hey, Banani! There’s something that doesn’t add up here… How did we end up in space?

Igor: There’s an even more important question you should be asking, sir! How are we breathing here in space… without oxygen?

We are in Papaia’s room.

Ravioli wakes up with a start, heart racing, sweating, and out of breath from the intense humid heat. Lying on the floor, he looks around. The room’s climate is comparable to that of a rainforest. He looks around with a sore back. Papaia and Banani are sleeping deeply, snoring loudly.

Ravioli: I just had a nightmare with the furious porter chasing us with a baseball bat. Then I woke up and now I’m forced to listen to this disgusting racket. I’d better go back to sleep. Maybe I’ll wake up from this nightmare, which is worse than the first one!

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