The Strange Case Series. Season 2. Ep. 2

Scene 2. Tension at Check-In.

We are at the airport.

The four scientists, Papaia, Banani, Ravioli, and their assistant Igor, approach the check-in counter with palpable tension. Papaia is as tense as a violin string, Banani has sweaty hands, and Ravioli can’t stop nervously drumming his fingers. Igor watches the scene with a poker face.

Assistant: Good morning, your passports, please.

Papaia, with trembling hands, hands over his passport. His hands are shaking so much that it looks like he’s doing that famous Hawaiian dance. Banani has sweaty hands so that the passport has stuck to him, and Ravioli nervously rummages through his pockets, jumping half a meter when he finally finds it. Igor, barely holding back laughter, thinks…

Igor: As a man of science, I’ve learned that everything has an explanation. But something here doesn’t add up! If Papaia claims to have checked everything thoroughly, then how do we explain his excessive nervousness? Quickly! I need to pull out my phone… they’ve invented a new group dance… This video is going to go viral!

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