The Strange Case Series ep.11

Episode 11: Indigestible Chocolate.

We are at the airport.

It’s too late now. They missed the plane.

Ravioli: Hey Papaia! I’m starving. Lend me the card to buy that chocolate from the vending machine!

Papaia: Here it is. But be careful, don’t use it directly on the machine. Withdraw cash instead. You never know, they could clone the card!

Ravioli: Ugh! ATMs are all far away. Everyone’s using cards. And I also know the company that makes the distributor!

Papaia: All vending machines are suspicious and unreliable! Look over there! There’s an ATM right at the end!

Ravioli: Alright… as you wish!

Papaia hands the card to Ravioli, who follows his instructions and withdraws cash first at the ATM.

Ravioli: Strange! It seems the card is having trouble fitting into the slot!
The ATM suddenly shuts down.

Ravioli: Weird! The display just turned off!

Ravioli spots another ATM a few meters away.

Ravioli: There’s another one! Thank goodness! I’ll use that!

After a few minutes, Ravioli returns to the others with his chocolate bar. Papaia is focused on the flight app.

Papaia: There! I think I found a flight for us! Ravioli, pass me the card!

Ravioli, in his chocolate-induced trance, hands the wrapper to Papaia.

Papaia: What are you doing?

Ravioli: Oops! My bad!

Papaia snatches the credit card from Ravioli’s hand with a swift pull and starts entering the numbers on the phone. While they wait, the discussion about the book continues.

Banani: So both Paul and the creed tell us that the disciples were convinced they had seen and spoken with Jesus.

Ravioli: Do you know what that means?

Banani: Honestly, it still sounds to me like: Bible…

Ravioli: The creed circulated among ordinary people, it’s oral tradition.

Banani: Basically what people were saying back then!

Ravioli: Exactly! Back then, two years after Jesus’ death!

Banani: Wow! So that’s not just a legend!

Igor: These scientists are right to worry about what people were saying in the first century. But now they should worry more about what people are saying today when they see … those broken luggage!