The Strange Case Series. Season 2. Ep. 20

 Scene 20: The Improvised Shower.

We are in Banani’s room.

Banani continues reading.

Banani: Here it says that the cause of the universe, being external to it, must be timeless and immaterial. This makes sense because the cause must exist even without the existence of time and matter… Wow! We’ve come this far just by reasoning?!

The heat is unbearable, and Banani cannot fall asleep for any reason. So, he decides to take a shower. He goes into the bathroom and turns on the light.

Banani: But where is the shower?

Banani meticulously inspects the small space designated for the bathroom.

Banani: It seems that there’s no shower. I have an idea! I can use the sink to cool off…

He turns on the faucet, but no water comes out.

Banani: Oh no! There’s no running water in this room either! What now? How will I cool off? Wait a moment! I have a bottle of mineral water with me!

Banani pours the contents of the bottle over himself.

Banani: Ugh! This is better than nothing. But now I’m thirsty!

Banani grabs the phone and calls the porter.

Porter: How dare you disturb me again! I hope it’s something really important!

Banani quickly hangs up and runs to lock the door. Then he stops for a moment to listen…

Banani: What a fright! I thought he would come here to argue with me!

With his ears carefully attuned, Banani hears a noise from outside.

Banani: Ah! Thank goodness, it’s raining outside!

Banani executes his survival strategy and sticks the empty bottle, just used for the shower, out of the narrow window opening. Then he calls Igor to tell him everything.

Igor: Very interesting, Banani. But now I suggest you sleep on it.

Igor hangs up the phone.

Igor: Banani, going to the conference, dreamed of feeling like he was in Star Trek… instead, he ended up taking a shower with mineral water. I still think that, like all of us, he ended up on the wrong set. Instead of exploring new worlds, he’s exploring… new ways to suffer!

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