The Strange Case Series ep.15 (finale)

Episode 15: Airport Holidays.

We are at the airport.

The night has passed, and it’s already 8 AM. Papaia finally calls the bank customer service and unlocks the card. As they rush to the ticket office, a flier falls out of Papaia’s pocket.

Banani: Careful! Something fell out from your pocket!

Papaia: Let me see. Ah! It’s nothing, just a flier for the conference.

Banani: Excuse me… what month is it?

Papaia: I didn’t think you were so distracted not to know it’s June!

Banani: It says here: Dark Matter Conference on July 23rd!

Papaia: Really? Let me see!

Papaia reads the flier again.

Papaia: Oops! It’s next month!

Ravioli: You mean we’ve been through all this trouble for a conference that’s not until next month?

Igor: At this point, the real scientific discovery is how you managed to complicate your lives so much without even… leaving the airport!

End of the first season.