The Strange Case Series ep.2

Episode 2: The Discovery.

We are at the observatory.

The scientists are working with the utmost concentration. Suddenly, Papaia slaps his forehead loudly. The others jump up, scared and wide-eyed.

Banani: “What happened, Papaia?”

Papaia: “Oh, no! How could I forget the dark matter conference? It’s tomorrow!”

Ravioli: “Papaia! That conference is crucial, we can’t miss it!”

Banani: “If we don’t go, we’ll fall behind the others!”

Papaia: “Wait! Let me check my agenda! Yes, it’s as I thought. Do you want the good news or the bad news first?”

Ravioli: “What’s the good news?”

Papaia: “We have the tickets!”

Banani (sighs in relief): “And the bad news?”

Papaia: “The flight is in two hours!”

The scientists rush to pack their bags. As they quickly gather their personal belongings, the discussion about the book continues.

Banani: “So, in this book you’re reading, the author claims there’s real evidence that Jesus rose from the dead?”

Ravioli: “It seems so! I kept reading because the author treats the New Testament as a series of historical texts, not as religious dogma.”

Papaia: “From what I’ve heard, everyone says the Bible is full of errors, but I’ve never actually read it myself.”

The three continue to fill their suitcases with unnecessary and superfluous items.

Igor comments: “Gentlemen, don’t you think it’s a bit excessive to bring all these things? Isn’t just a notepad enough to take notes?”

But since they are focused on packing, none of them responds.

Igor: “Maybe the conference will help shed light on the confusion in their minds. In fact, more than brilliant, their minds seem to contain… dark matter!”