The Strange Case Series ep.7

Episode 7: Ready? Go!

We are on the sidewalk, in front of the observatory.

Papaia’s face finally lights up.

Papaia (showing his phone): Look! This bus goes straight to the airport!
Banani: The stop is nearby, let’s run!

We are in the bus.

After a few trips, they manage to get all the suitcases to the bus stop.
The bus has arrived, but Ravioli is still picking up clothes and tools scattered all over the sidewalk.

Driver: Hey! Stop making a mess, the bus must leave!

Papaia convinces the driver to wait.

They load everything. But as they’re finishing up, the driver speeds off, causing them to fall with their luggage.

Finally settled inside, they wait to arrive at the airport.

Banani: I’m curious to know what these five important facts are…

Ravioli: They’re listed here in the index… go ahead, read them…

Banani: Reading them like this, it sounds like one of those sermons they give in church…

Ravioli: The difference is that we also have confirmation from non-Christian sources of the same events.

Igor: Life is funny sometimes. While these three scatterbrains stumble over their own luggage, critics of the New Testament stumble over their own cultural … baggage!