Hard questions plan day 13

 “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes?

Matthew 6:25 NIV

Worry is useless. Indeed, instead of improving our future, it makes it worse. In fact, if we are overwhelmed by worry, we act based on fear and not based on reason. Even when we are in the worst of situations, God is always in control of everything. Worrying excessively means doubting God’s ability to intervene with providence. Most of the time, what we worry about, doesn’t happen. Very few times we are right, and the worst happens. That doesn’t mean you don’t have to do anything. But instead of worrying, look for God’s will in your current situation. Going forward in the chapter, we find verse 33.

But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well

Matthew 6:33

God takes care of us, and even more, if we do his will.


Concern is a matter of control. When we want to rely only on our own strength, we know that there are some things we cannot control, such as the future, the economy, and so on.

Worrying and unreasonable. Worrying about one thing we can’t change doesn’t change it.

Every creature of God has no worries, trusts Him for their survival. The natural reaction is not to worry, and not the other way around.

Not only is worrying a waste of energy, but it leads to a miserable state of mind.

So don’t worry about bills, relationship problems, goals and objectives, career, economy, etc. Use your energy in a more useful way